Thursday, March 09, 2006

Where is your Heart?

(Mat 6:21) For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

What an amazing statement! Where is your heart? If you really want to know, look to see where your treasure is. This verse is not just talking about money, although that would be included. Where do you spend your time and energy? What is it that consumes you?

In the day we live in, we have so many things to occupy our time and money, or our “treasure.” The devil bombards us with things to occupy our treasure. Many times it is even “good” things. Why? To keep our hearts/love from God. Our life is about God. It is not about a bigger house, or more money. It is not how many cars you have, or what clubs you belong to. We spend our time chasing the “American Dream”, instead of Almighty God. Many times we teach our children a false definition of success. True success is in relation to God (Joshua 1:8,9).

For many, their career consumes them, for others it is a hobby. Some it is even “church”, or their “theological position”. I know, as a preacher, many times I can get so busy in my work for God, I loose my focus on the God of the work. These things are tragic.

What is it that drives you? Why do you get up each morning? Is it to get that promotion at work? Is it to shoot that deer or get a better golf score? Is it to get that attendance button at church? Is it to make sure you have 750 people in service so you can report it to the “Sword of the Lord”?

Oh, how we need to set our heart on the Lord. How do we do this? By putting your treasure there. Put your heart and mind on God. From the time you wake up, put a prayer from the heart to the Lord. Dwell upon Him throughout the day. Talk with Him. Read His Book that He wrote for you. Allow God to be the focus of your life. Don’t let your career control you, let God. Don’t live for a hobby, live for God. Don’t let church simply become your social club, let it be about drawing closer to God.

Today God’s people need to put their love on Him, and quit being “entangled with the affairs of this life”.

I leave you with two verses to dwell on. They are two verses that always speak to my heart.

(Col 3:1,2) If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

1 comment:

Terry McGovern said...

Bro Tim,

Time is very important. If I loose some money I can always regain it, but time passed I can never again regain.

The focus of our time and energy needs to be on God. It is true today that many people live for entertainment instead of God.

Things on this earth need to stay in perspective.

For instance, there is nothing wrong with fishing/hunting for enjoyment, but when that begins to consume or gain an unmerited place in ones life, it is now sin. Fishing was not the sin, but the place it took in ones life became the sin. To put it as you did, priorities where out of order.

Same with a career. There is nothing worng with a good career, but when that becomes your passion, and not the Lord, it is now sin.

We simply need to keep our priorities in order.