Monday, April 17, 2006

Resurrection Sunday went great!

It did not start out quite so well though. As we woke up on Sunday morning, it was raining heavily. We knew this Sunday would be very busy, and we had many outdoor things scheduled. I began praying the rain would let up. We left our house about 9:00am and headed out for church. There is one part of the road that is impassable, and has been for one week. It is difficult to describe this part of the road, and if I tried, I do not think you would believe me. It is a huge mud pit about 30 yards long and four feet deep. One would have to see it, to appreciate it. :) The village, by this part of the road, cut a path out to drive through, so a vehicle can still get by. They also are charging money to use their “road”. On Saturday, I went and paid to use this road on Sunday. (This “road” is just a path in the jungle.) Well, the owner of the ground where they cut the “road” came running to my truck as I was driving on his land. He had also blocked the road with bamboo. Apparently, word never got to him that I paid to use his road already. He came yelling at me, demanding money. He was convinced I was trying to use his “road” without paying for it. After he finished yelling, I informed I already paid the day before. It was clear this was news to him, and I could see he felt very awkward after just accusing me with such grace. He thought for sure he caught the missionary trying to deceive. After I told him about me paying the day before, he let me pass. How many times we jump to conclusions without first finding out all the facts. James 1:19 gives us all good advice, “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:”

After teaching Sunday school class in Sohun, I headed out to church in Kudukudu. I was thrilled to see many visitors for the service. All together there were 87 people there! After Sunday school, I preached on the “what if’s” I posted about prior to this. Four people raised their hand, saying the Lord was dealing with them about their need of salvation. The altar was also full of people praying at the invitation time. After services, I baptized 5 adults. Two of whom were Joel and Rose. I wrote about them in a previous post. Here is the link if you did not read it yet: Joel and Rose are doing great and attending every service.

By this time the rain had let up. It was still cloudy but no rain. This enabled all the ladies to prepare food for a meal. My meal for that day consisted of “kaukau” and greens from their gardens. I also brought rice for everyone as well. Now kaukau is a required taste! Your first time biting into it can be an adventure in itself. It is a root that is commonly eaten here. It is a type of sweet potato. Needless to say my meal was not quite like a Perkins, or Golden Coral meal. WOW, I am really hungry now! After this, we set up a volleyball net, and the people played volleyball. They really enjoy that sport.

Afterwards, my family and I headed back to the house. I think we arrived home about 4:30pm.

I thank the Lord for how he is working on hearts in the village.

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