Back On January 8th, I blogged about "Truck Trouble." My truck is still out, awaiting a new head! However, several of my supporting churches sent funds to help me purchase another vehicle. Without the Lord using them, I would not have been able to get another vehicle. I wanted to say thank you to them and to those who prayed that the Lord would help us. The picture is of the 1993 Land Cruiser we were able to purchase. Here is a list of the churches that sent funds to help us.
Independent Baptist Church of Anchorage AK (My home/sending church)
Bible Baptist Church - Fairbanks, AK
Pilgrims Baptist Church - Wasilla, AK
Homer Independent Baptist Church - Homer, AK
Valley Baptist Tabernacle - Wasillia AK
Landmark Baptist Church - Lineville, Alabama
South Side Baptist Church - Tampa, Florida
Harvest Baptist Church - Hagerstown, MD
Faith Baptist - Misawa, Japan
Immanuel Baptist Church - Kenai, AK
Grace Bible Baptist - Leesburg, Florida
Now that the Lord has blessed us with another vehicle, the ministry is back to full throttle. During the time we had no vehicle, I was only able to preach on Sunday's. (On Sundays, I would hire a vehicle from a trade store owner.) All other ministries had stopped. (Discipleship, Bible Institute, mid week, village visitation, etc...) During that time we were praying the Lord would supply us the funds for another vehicle, and, after talking with my Pastor, I sent out a prayer letter about our situation to our supporting churches. The Lord met our need in an amazing way! My family and I were amazed at the funds the Lord provided. I knew we needed around $18,000 to find a decent used 4x4. Vehicles here are very expensive. We were praying for $18,000 and a little over $18,000 came in!
With this new vehicle, my family we will have seats now as as well! That was not the case with my truck.
Praise God!! He is so awesome and so good to us!! Congrats on the new vehicle and I am sure that your family is happy to have seats!!! So happy that everything is back and going now, what a blessing!!!
What a blessing. Thank God for great baptist churches who give so much for the mission work! I am rejoicing with you.
Rejoicing with you for God's blessings!! What wonderful supporting churches!!
Very inspiring story, Terry! Being a good example of a Christian that has trouble whenever his car breaks down. I for one am not going to complain as I did last time my car broke down.
It’s funny, but I’ll share: I was going to have dinner with a charismatic family who invited me over for dinner. They know I’m a Christian, but they don’t seem to understand that just being a Christian doesn’t mean that we are going to get along just fine. Anyway, that’s when the car broke down—right when I was going to drop in. Certainly saved me the trouble of inventing an excuse not to show up!
I couldn’t say for truth, but I’m sure that a lot of people have their eyes on you, Terry. I’m sure it is no fun when some situations arise! How you respond to these situations will affect a lot of people in the same manner by which you respond (either in a positive way or a negative way). When some Christians respond in the right way to a poor situation, it can be an encouragement, a blessing, and an inspiration to other Christians! Anyway, this is something that is special to me.
God bless.
Tim Matthews
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